Monday, June 29, 2015

How to remove the Change Password link from the Office 365 portal

Microsoft did an amazing job with their online services. I remember the web based management in the BPOS days, not a pleasant experience for both end users and admins. The current Office 365 portal is much improved and receives new updates every couple of months. Unfortunately there's one thing bothering many Office 365 admins and confusing even more end users.


In the Office 365 settings page (url:, where the users can change their personal settings, is a Password link. This works great for cloud users, user accounts that have not been synced from an on-premises Active Directory, but not so well for synced users with either Password Synchronization or Identity Federation (ADFS).

When those type of users click this link to update their password the will receive an error:

Sorry, you can't change your password here. Follow the steps recommended by your organization or ask your admin for help.

So can we could remove the link, at least for our synced users? The answer is no, you can't currently do that. Recently I made a request through the Office 365 Support channel and so did other customers, leading to a Design Change Request (DRC). Unfortunately this DCR was declined by the Product Group because this change is not feasible with the current version of the portal.

If you want to be sure that the need for this change is under Microsoft's attention, please submit your feedback with the form on this page.



  1. Does this no longer work?

  2. That works for OWA, unfortunately not for the Office 365 Portal.
