Friday, June 12, 2015

Exchange Best practice: Increase the Application log file

Exchange is known as a chatty application when it comes to the Application log. And even while most of the information nowadays is written to the crimson channel, the classic Application still is a great source of information when you need to troubleshoot an issue.

The default settings of the Application log are a maximum size of 16 MB and older events are then overwritten when the log has reached that size. Now this may seem a lot, but can be be only a few hours of information for a busy server in a large environment. Good luck troubleshooting that issue that happened yesterday.

I know some of you are already doing this by default on a new Exchange server deployment, but you should definitely increase the log file size to a larger value. This can be done with the Limit-Eventlog cmdlet.


Limit-EventLog -LogName Application -MaximumSize 100MB

Or on all your Exchange servers at once:

Get-ExchangeServer | % { Limit-EventLog -LogName Application -MaximumSize 100MB -ComputerName $  }

Well, you get the idea. More information: Limit-Eventlog

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