Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Exchange 2010 SP3: UCMA requires the following missing Windows features

When installing Exchange 2010 SP3 on a server with Windows Server 2012 you need to install some prerequisites first. Each server with the Client Access role requires the Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 Runtime.

You may run into this error message when you try to install:


Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Runtime requires the following missing Windows features.

  • Media Foundation

This error occurs when you followed the instructions on this page: Exchange 2010 Prerequisites (Install the Windows Server 2012 operating system prerequisites). For a server with the three basic roles Microsoft says you need to install the following operating system components:


Unfortunately Server-Media-Foundation is missing, that's why the UCMA installation fails. So we need to add this one too:

Add-WindowsFeature Server-Media-Foundation

And while we're on it, don't forget to add Telnet-Client because this basic troubleshooting tool should be installed on every server with Exchange by default.

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