Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 2011: Nieuwe KB artikelen voor Exchange, Forefront en Outlook

Hieronder vind je het overzicht van de nieuwe en bijgewerkte Microsoft knowledge-base artikelen over Exchange, Forefront, Lync en Outlook.


Microsoft Forefront Online Protection for Exchange: "A synchronization error occurred between your Active Directory environment and the Hosted Archive service" error message in Exchange Hosted Archive

Microsoft Forefront Online Protection for Exchange: "An unexpected error has occurred" error when you delete junk email messages from the spam quarantine mailbox in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange

Microsoft Forefront Online Protection for Exchange: The sign-in page is not displayed, or a "Page not found" error occurs, after a new version of the Forefront Online Protection for Exchange Administration Center is released

Microsoft Forefront Online Protection for Exchange: A blank webpage appears when you click the answer-back URL in a message that is encrypted by Exchange Hosted Encryption in Windows Live Hotmail

Microsoft Forefront Online Protection for Exchange: How to add a disclaimer or footer to outgoing mail messages through Forefront Online Protection for Exchange

Microsoft Forefront Online Protection for Exchange: The footer for outgoing email messages does not work in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange

Microsoft Forefront Online Protection for Exchange: How to create a policy for a group of users in a stand-alone Forefront Online Protection for Exchange environment


Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition: You cannot connect to Outlook Mobile Access on a server that is running Exchange Server 2003

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition: How to redirect an HTTP connection to HTTPS for Outlook Web Access clients and how to redirect the Default Web Site to point to the Exchange virtual directory

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition: Error message when you try to synchronize a Windows Mobile-based device by using Exchange ActiveSync for Exchange 2003 or for Exchange 2007 or for Exchange 2010: "Synchronization failed"

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition: Error message when you use ActiveSync to synchronize a Windows Mobile-based device to Exchange 2003: "0x85030027 -- The Exchange Server requires certificates to log on"

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2: Incremental changes of free/busy information may not be successful replicated from Exchange Server 2010 to Exchange Server 2003

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition: The W3wp.exe process uses almost 100 percent of CPU resources when you synchronize large email messages in Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Enterprise Edition: The Fax feature stops working in Exchange Server 2007 SP3

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Enterprise Edition: Store.exe intermittently stops responding in an Exchange Server 2007 environment

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1: Email messages cannot be delivered to the Hub Transport server in an Exchange Server 2007 environment

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Standard Edition: "HTTP 400 Bad Request" error when you connect to an Exchange Server 2007 mailbox by using Outlook Web App

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Standard Edition: The synchronization session of the mobile device fails, and you receive error code "0X85010015" when you try to synchronize a mobile device by using Exchange ActiveSync in Exchange Server 2007

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Enterprise: Office Communications Server 2007 IM integration with Exchange 2010 OWA does not work for all users

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Enterprise: "Cannot open your default e-mail folder" error when users try to open their mailboxes in Outlook after migration to Exchange 2010

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Enterprise: An Exchange Server 2010 database store grows unexpectedly large

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Enterprise: Email message content is missing in OWA

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Enterprise: Error when you try to change the default global address list recipient filter in Exchange Server 2010

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Standard: Windows Network Load Balancing does not work in an Exchange Server cluster

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Standard: You receive an error message when you try to create an Exchange Server 2010 DAG

Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007: Additional authentication prompt is displayed when an external network user signs in to an Office Communicator 2007 client

Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007: Live Meeting 2007 loads a blank white screen when joining a Live Meeting on Macintosh computer

Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007: How to use Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 on a Macintosh computer


Microsoft Office Outlook 2003: Description of the Outlook 2003 Junk Email Filter update: November 8, 2011

Microsoft Office Outlook 2003: "80004005-501-4B9-560" synchronization error logs in the Outlook Sync Issues folder

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007: Outlook receives a message that has an attachment that is named "not supported calendar message.ics"

Microsoft Outlook 2000 Standard Edition: Outlook Meeting Request to DL Shows Members As Optional

Microsoft Outlook 2000 Standard Edition: OL2000: (CW) Sending Pasted Bitmap from Word Behaves Differently

Microsoft Outlook 2010: Description of the Outlook 2010 update: November 8, 2011

Microsoft Outlook 2010: You receive an error message when you publish Internet free/busy information in Outlook 2010

Microsoft Outlook 2010: The Mailbox Cleanup Wizard does not start in Outlook 2010 when the mailbox is full

Microsoft Outlook 2010: Outlook 2010 does not display Journal entries for a contact

Microsoft Outlook 2010: Outlook Issues that occur when you use the ExtractOrganizedMeetings registry value

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